Wednesday, November 26, 2008


All is well. God is good.

Yesterday went great for my mom. Apparently her teacher will not give her a letter of recommendation. And she did not say why. However, the school's principal and her advisor from U of M are going to give her a letter of recommendation. So we can see who is wrong in this situation.

And starting tomorrow, my mom will be floating to other classrooms and other grades to help in those classrooms. So after today, she no longer has to work with her teacher. AND this teacher will never be getting another student from U of M. Hopefully the principal is smart and doesn't give her another student teacher, ever. 

I'm so glad this is over. There was a noticeable difference in my mom last night. And she even said herself that she felt like the weight of the world was lifted off her shoulders. It's sad b/c I know she'll miss the kids in the classroom. And I know those kids looked to my mom for safety because the teacher is so wretched.
Thanks for your prayers everyone! My entire house appreciates it :)

1 comment:

Zombie said...

Thank God, tell her I am so happy for her and glad she did not give up. Or maybe I will tonight.