I am a little nervous about all this. My college education did not prepare me for this kind of job. A criminal justice degree is definitely NOT a social work degree. I am sure I will do fine though. On-the-job training...rock on.
I am having a difficult time giving up the things about my life that I got so used to that I can't really do anymore. Like staying up late just hanging out. It's so sad. Last night I stayed out until midnight and I am so TIRED today. And in a little bit I am going to see the midnight show of Twilight (WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) and I have to be at a home visit at 10:30 tomorrow morning in Detroit. SOOOOO Long story short, I'm gunna pass out tomorrow night or perhaps tomorrow at work. Good times. Being responsible is silly.
Ok, that's all I got right now. I'm just killing time before being stupid and going to the midnight show of Twilight.
Peace and love to you all. :)
I could never stay out until midnight when I had to work. I would start to have a panic attack.
I agree with Laura, just wait till your 30 Hillary...It all changes again! Enjoy! How was Twilight you luckie Girl! I can't wait to see it!
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