Friday, February 6, 2009


Alright. I can honestly say there are only a few times where I could say I felt God pushing me to do something. Those 100% moments where you just know in your heart that you are doing exactly what He wants. Well, I've only been that positive a few times. I doubt too much when it comes to feeling God's pull or the case may be.

This is just a small example, but it meant something to me so I thought I would share.

I went to bed last night the way I usually do. I hop into bed and get on my computer. Sometimes I'll read, but that's been rare lately considering how late I come home most nights. Well, last night, I was about to turn off my light when I snuck a peek at my Bible lying innocently on my nightstand. And I swear it felt like God was yelling at me to crack it open. Not yelling in an angry way, but just pushing me to read. So me, being stupid, hesitates...only b/c in the back of my mind, I know I'm tired. But I listened to God because that would be just so stupid. I have been reading Isaiah, but honestly, I having a hard time getting through it. It's a difficult book for me to read. So I opened to good 'ol James. I remembered how much I liked it the first time I read it and thought I'd start there. I read that first chapter three times. The verses were yelling out to me. It's like I'd been craving what it said. It's unbelievable.

I thought I'd share with you guys some of the verses that struck me hard:
James 1:2-Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds...
James 1:9- The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position.
James 1:27- Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

It's like God smacked me upside the head with those. James chapter 1 is written for anyone who works for other people. It hit me hard because I'd been complaining about my job so much lately, and I understand now why I need to go through this, because it is EXACTLY what God has called me to do. Regardless of how difficult it may be sometimes, and how I feel like I'm not really helping, I have comfort knowing this is exactly where God wants me. I know in my heart that, for now, I'm right where God needs me to be.

I pray that God carries me through this next week...and that I can find joy in the trials. Because there are and will be many.


The Red One said...

God will carry you through!

James is my favorite book of the bible. It is one of the most plainly and bluntly written books. There is very little room for interpretation because it is so clear.
I'm attempting not very successfully to memorize it. Read through the rest if you haven't all ready. It is encouraging at a slap at the same time.

junglemama said...

God is my rock! He is yours too!