Thursday, January 1, 2009


So I decided to do some sort of New Year's resolution. Something I usually do not do. I feel like if there is something in your life you need to change, you shouldn't wait 'til the new year to start it. But I am actually going to participate in this silly tradition this year.

I am going to try and focus on my Bible more. As a Christian, this is something I struggle with. I've always been bad at reading my Bible. But I know when I do, everything is so much better, so I can't figure out why it's so difficult for me. It's so weird. Anyways, I am resolving to be better at reading my Bible.

I am making it a point to really read and meditate everyday. And I am going to try and memorize some verses. Something that I've never really tried to do before. And I've always been jealous of those people who can just rattle off verses like it's nothing...I wanna be like that. I'm starting with the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. I've always loved that passage, so why not memorize it, right? So simple.

I also want to make it a point to become a "runner" again. I loved running and now I don't really do all. I want to be hardcore and get up and run outside in the cold, in the morning. After my Unity Group last week, I did realize I need more alone time with God and I realize that running was always a perfect escape for me. Something I do alone, a personal struggle against my own will as well as a perfect time to see and experience and talk to God. I just need to acquire some outdoor running gear for cold weather.

I really hope I follow through with all of these things. I don't want to disappoint myself. And now that I've shared these things with you, maybe ya'll could keep me in check? Perhaps.

Well. That's all from me for now.

What are some of your resolutions???

1 comment:

Tony C said...

Pretty much same as last year...

Great blog. I enjoy your writing style.

God bless.