Sunday, January 11, 2009

Delray Angels.

Does anyone know the significance of the Delray Angels? As seen here . I past them driving down W. Jefferson on the way to one of my family's homes. At first they weirded me out, but now I find them comforting. That area of Detroit is desolate, and to see the angels on the abandoned buildings, without anyone having touched them, is amazing to me. Most abandoned, and even some not-so-abandoned buildings I see in Detroit are littered with graffiti and gang tags, but these are not. It's probably the angels, or at least, I like to think it is.

So. People think I'm weird. Which, I will admit, I kinda like. But I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Not in weird in a bad way (or least, I'm assuming it's not a bad way), Ray would call it "hilarious" or "funny". Mostly just that I don't think the way most people...rather...most girls do. And that I am definitely okay with. I really am curious to find out what people really think of me. Which is a natural curiosity for most people I would assume. I just never really put much thought to it until now.

In light of all that, I thought I'd include some random facts about me to add to whatever you may already think or know about me:
-I really enjoy sneezing.
-I like grey t-shirts.
-I really am a clutz, and have recently come to accept that...I always hated it... now I embrace it.
-I love weather.
-I don't like Family Guy.
-I hate disagreements.
-I love neutral colors.
-I am currently teaching myself to knit.
-I never get rid of books.
-I used to think I wanted to stay in Michigan, but as of late, I think that's boring and want to experience new places and people and culture.
-Sometimes I think Detroit is beautiful.


The Red One said...

I remember reading about it before. An artist that wanted to bring some light and attention to a run down area:
and I found the link:

hillary said...

Thanks JQ.

thagaman said...

Sometimes I think that Detroit is beautiful too.