Friday, February 11, 2011


I want to try yoga. I've actually wanted to for some time now. And I've found a place near my house that is a non-profit, donation based studio. Which means, it runs only off of donations, so it won't be that expensive.

But here is my dilemma.

I was listening to a Christian talk radio show a few months back. (yes, I do that) And they were discussing either it is okay for Christians to practice yoga. Intrigued, I listened on. They say that due to yoga's Hindu roots, that it is dangerous for Christians to practice yoga. That it takes your mind away from God and to the Hindus gods.

I just looked up some information regarding this, I found that yoga is based in Hinduism and Buddhism. That the poses used in yoga, are poses that practicing Hindus would do in front of statues of their gods to gain their approval. A lot of meditation and such is also involved.

Here's my opinion. If I go to a yoga studio, in Southgate, Michigan of all places, to get some exercise, what's so wrong with that? Isn't it the intent behind the yoga that makes it whatever it can be? What if I go into the yoga studio, and focus my mind on God in whatever it is that you do for yoga, can't that be a good thing?

Anyways. I don't usually post things like this but it's a very interesting discussion topic.

Now, who wants to go do yoga with me?? :)

1 comment:

OneBigHappy said...

I've known a few Christians who got into yoga as an exercise. They simply avoided the religious aspects by keeping it about the moves, stetching, etc, without getting into the meditation and such. If you would like to talk to one of them, let me know.