Sunday, April 25, 2010


Everything we need. Nothing we deserve.

Today at church while we were praying, that phrase popped into my head. Not sure where it came from or how it got there, but I may have come up with it on my own. Amazing. I'm not good with words most days... I wish I could write beautiful songs, or stories, but it's just not in the cards for me. So I'm proud of this.

Anyways. I digress.

It's so true isn't it? And it's just awesome. My faith in God and the power of Jesus will provide me with everything I'll ever need in my life. Yet I deserve none of it. How is that even remotely fair? It's not. But that's what makes Grace SO beautiful.

It keeps me going in life to know that God is beautiful, grace is beautiful, because this world is an ugly place. I like to try and have faith that human nature is mostly good. But there are some days that I just don't see that. I want people to be good, but it's just not there. Why do we hurt each other? Especially those of us who are helpless...defenseless. It doesn't make sense to me.

That's why I'm glad God shows His beautiful face everywhere. I see God in almost everything. I'm really blessed to see God in my world. Even if it's the small things, like smelling rain, pretty clouds, a kind word, my wonderful friends. I can see some of my friends really starting to grow in the Spirit and it makes me smile. So so much, it makes me smile. I hope they never lose that.

This post doesn't really flow. It's okay though. Sometimes the greatness of God jumbles up my thoughts because I don't always know how to put into words how amazing God really is.

Maybe I'll try my hand at songwriting... my creative brainfart has made me curious...